Thursday, May 19, 2011

Peer, Pressure Force Teens Into Drugs

Youth is the most constructive, energetic as well as sensitive strata of any society. This layer is the most vulnerable and susceptible group to various pressures of life. Teenage is the group which is the blooming citizens of future world. They can easily get carried away by the lures of life. Many teens have vulnerable mind, they can easily get affected by the things around.

Teens also face various pressures during this stage. Studies at school and college require high levels of concentration for understanding difficult topics as well as great output levels at examinations. Examination time require great efforts at studies and high levels of concentration for absorbing the study content and present it at the time of exam. The vital part of examination system is to be able to re-produce the understood content at the time of examination. This needs good memory, so many teens follow natural ways to build the memory.

These natural ways include consuming various types of foods which enhance brains capacity to retain the content or practicing breathing exercise or yoga, meditation for heightened memory and timely output. Most of the teens follow their peers for many things. Group acceptance is one of the most crucial things during this age. Youth mostly follow their group for many things. Many teens get into various things just by chance or mostly because some other friend of their follows those trends.

Many teens get into various activities just by accident or for getting the group acceptance. Many teens don't intentionally start using drugs expecting to develop a substance abuse problem, and most teens probably see their drug use as a casual way to have fun or get group acceptance, but they do not realize that there are negative effects which result out of using and abusing the alcohol and other substance.

Abuse of drugs and alcohol can also change friendships, as teens begin to drift away from old friends who may not approve of dependency on such substances and begin to get closer with other who might encourage this activity as well as help them in drug use. With aggravated problem related to these psychoactive drugs and alcohol, families and friends seek support for their loved ones. Teenage drug rehab and teen alcohol rehab are the best resort for overcoming these problems and embracing renewed life. They follow holistic approach for building self confidence and repair distorted self image.

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