While Oxycontin is a powerful pain killer, dependence on it can certainly lead to a deadly addiction almost similar to heroin. So if you feel that you can’t do without it and are suffering withdrawal symptoms, it’s time to consult your doctor who might advise you to get into Oxycontin rehab. In other words, rehab for Oxycontin is a must if there is a physical dependence on the drug.
Rehab for Oxycontin, in its primary stage, involves tapering down the dosage gradually and dealing with withdrawal symptoms that grow milder as the drug intake is gradually reduced. But should the addiction be severe where there is pronounced physical discomfort like cold turkey, sweating, bouts of diarrhea, an ultra rapid Oxycontin rehab regimen needs to be implemented on a residential or outpatient basis. The other alternatives are methadone and Suboxone.
During Oxycontin rehab, patients are made to live in comfortable surroundings under 24-hour observation. Medications are prescribed to help reduce the discomfort of withdrawal and to ensure safety. Although opiate withdrawal symptoms are rarely dangerous, doctors are on call or on the premises at all times when a patient is undergoing rehab for Oxycontin. The initial withdrawal phase lasts for about a week. Upon completion, patients feel much better and are ready to progress to continuing addiction treatment.
Oxycontin rehab programs can be conducted residentially or in hospitals or even on an outpatient basis based on the needs and circumstances of the patient. Some elements of rehab for Oxycontin on an inpatient or outpatient basis include: individual therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, 12 Step meetings, support group therapy, life skills, vocational and educational programming and family therapy.
However, you also need to bear in mind that that ultra rapid Oxycontin rehab programs are expensive, the withdrawal pains can still be very uncomfortable and you make an otherwise safe procedure (opiate detox) dangerous. No one should consider an ultra rapid detox without a careful weighing of the costs and benefits of the procedure.
A proven method for the rehab of Oxycontin is the use of Methadone, a long-lasting opiate that replaces the short-acting opiate Oxycontin in the brain. When you take one dose of methadone per day you will not get withdrawal symptoms or drug cravings. Oxycontin rehab of late has also found the use of Suboxone, which can be administered at home in month-long doses and is a safer alternative to Methadone.
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